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Fox News Friday, January 22, 2021
Fox News First

Good morning and welcome to Fox News First. Here's what you need to know as you start your day ...

McConnell condemns Biden's Day One executive actions
Just one day after President Biden spoke of unity in his inaugural address to the nation, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says the Democrat president is heading in "the wrong direction."

Speaking from the Senate floor Thursday, the Kentucky Republican condemned several executive actions Biden took on his first day in office, including revoking a key permit for the Keystone Pipeline XL, rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement and removing a Trump-appointed general counsel to the National Labor Relations Board.

"On the Biden administration's very first day, it took several big steps in the wrong direction," McConnell said, adding that there is time for Biden to "remember that he does not owe his election to the far left."

Republicans have taken issue with the Paris Climate Agreement, an international accord joined by nearly 200 nations with the intent of lowering greenhouse gas emissions and reversing the human impact on climate change.

McConnell, along with other congressional GOP members, has similarly taken issue with Biden’s decision to kill the Keystone Pipeline XL.

Environmentalist and Native American tribes have taken issue with the 1,200-mile pipeline since 2004, as it draws oil from tar sands and crosses tribal territory. CLICK HERE FOR MORE ON OUR TOP STORY.

In other developments:
- Biden to sign 2 executive orders aimed at coronavirus pandemic-rleated food assistance, worker needs
- Tucker Carlson: Biden cancels Keystone Pipeline, opens the border and shows who he really is.
- Hannity: Biden 'already begging for a break' on first full day as president.
- Despite calls for unity at inauguration, progressives go on rampage.
- Politico rips media's euphoric inaugural coverage: 'Tone down the Biden adulation.'

Lawmakers fume after National Guard reportedly banished to DC parking garage
Reports of shabby treatment of National Guard troops at the U.S. Capitol were sparking bipartisan outrage among lawmakers and other officials Thursday -- with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott calling for the return home of his state's Guard members.

Thousands of National Guard troops from several states had deployed to the U.S. Capitol to protect Wednesday's inauguration of President Biden against threats of violence following the Jan. 6 riot.

Photos of Guard members sleeping on the marble floors of the Capitol quickly went viral -- until they later received cots. Then on Thursday came another insult: According to reports, the Guard members were abruptly told to take their break time inside a parking garage instead of inside the Capitol.

The Guard members, who had been resting inside the Capitol between 12-hour shifts, were moved to a nearby parking garage where photos obtained by Politico and other outlets showed members crowded together on the garage floor -- some resting their heads against cement pillars.

Guard members were eventually able to return to the Capitol, with future breaks to be taken near Emancipation Hall in the Capitol complex, according to reports.

But by Thursday evening, Abbott was among those who had apparently already seen enough.

"I have instructed General Norris to order the return of the Texas National Guard to our state," the Republican governor wrote on Twitter, referring to Major Gen. Tracy Norris of the Texas National Guard. CLICK HERE FOR MORE.

In other developments:
- National Guard says there were 'no confrontations' with protesters during Biden inauguration.
- Michigan man charged with assaulting Capitol cops with hockey stick, FBI says.
- Pennsylvania woman accused of stealing laptop from Pelosi's office during Capitol riot released to home confinement.

Chris Cuomo criticizes CNN's own 'scoop' on Trump vaccine rollout
CNN anchor Chris Cuomo took a rare swipe at his own network Thursday night over its now-debunked report about the Biden administration "starting from scratch" with a coronavirus vaccine rollout plan. 

Earlier Thursday, CNN raised eyebrows with its purported "scoop" that quoted unnamed Biden officials alleging, "There is nothing for us to rework. We are going to have to build everything from scratch," as well as that the new administration would have to start from "square one" since, according to CNN, "there simply was no plan."

During a White House press briefing later in the day, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who was tapped by President Biden during the transition to be a White House adviser, was asked directly by NBC News correspondent Kristen Welker if the new administration was "starting from scratch."

"We certainly are not starting from scratch because there is activity going on in the distribution," Fauci responded before elaborating on the Biden administration's own plan. 

Fauci later appeared on "Cuomo Prime Time," but even the CNN star was heavily skeptical of his network's reporting. CLICK HERE FOR MORE

In other developments:
- Fauci debunks CNN reporting, says Biden's vaccine rollout not 'starting from scratch.'
- CNN hosts silent after network exec accused of ‘sucking up’ to Biden administration.
- Biden plan to reopen schools subject to potential changes in coronavirus pandemic, official says.
- Biden spotted maskless on federal property hours after signing mandate.
- NY Times cancels editor's contract after she rips Trump 'pettiness' over Biden plane: report.

- WATCH: Biden gets testy with reporter over vaccine rollout question.
- Carli Lloyd addresses backlash after NOT kneeling for anthem.
- Portland rioting against Biden inauguration leads to charges for 4, more likely to follow.
- Rapper Lil Wayne thanks Trump for pardon on Twitter.
- Missouri diversity session tells teachers 'colorblindness,' 'all lives matter' are forms of white supremacy.
- Washington potato factory fire prompts evacuation over ammonia explosion fears.

- Stock futures fall after record week.
- Mark Cuban said there's only one way he'll run for president in 2024.
- Google says it will shut search engine in Australia if forced to pay for news.
- Bitcoin heads for worst weekly loss in months.
- Ford to recall 3 million vehicles for air bags at $610 million cost.
- Amazon responds to claims it never offered Trump admin. vaccine help.
- Elon Musk to offer $100 million prize for 'best' carbon capture tech.
- Republicans from Western states pan Biden order to revoke Keystone XL Pipeline permit.

#The FlashbackCLICK HERE to find out what happened on "This Day in History."


Sean Hannity discussed the impeachment push against former President Donald Trump on Fox News' "Hannity" Thursday night, urging President Biden to call off a Senate trial and back up his repeated calls for unity.

"At this point, a trial serves absolutely no purpose but to inflame the tensions of this country. It's the swamp theater and it's at its worst," Hannity said. 

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Fox News First was compiled by Fox News' David Aaro. Thank you for making us your first choice in the morning! Have a great weekend and we'll see you in your inbox first thing on Monday.

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