Charles Eisenstein and Sayer Ji take a unique perspective on the Coronavirus outbreak.
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The GreenMedInfo Newsletter

March 12, 2020

Featured Article

Chinese Medical Team Report Successful Treatment of Coronavirus Patients with High-Dose Vitamin C

Another powerful report out of a Chinese hospital shows that high-dose vitamin C is being used to treat those with severe pneumonia associated with Coronavirus. 

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Featured Product (While Supplies Last)

With fears about coronavirus running rampant, we've been doing our best to keep truthful information about the virus and natural, immune supportive strategies as signaled by peer-reviewed scientific research up to date on PuraTHRIVE's Micelle Liposomal Vitamin C is unique in that it is delivered through the next best route of administration compared with the absorbability of intravenous injections, and it’s much cheaper, more convenient and less invasive. This is the highest-potency vitamin C available on the market, and unlike other products, it's delicious! GreenMedInfo subscribers can enjoy up to 35% OFF (while supplies last).

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Podcast Interview: Beyond Coronavirus

Sayer Ji and Charles Eisenstein Discuss Coronavirus from psychospiritual and geopolitical perspective. 

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GreenMedInfo Coronavirus Database 

Natural evidence-based approaches to Coronavirus as signaled in the biomedical literature itself.

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The Regenerate Yourself Masterclass was great! But for those looking to get permanent access to all the modules, as well as 7 additional modules (including an entire Regenerative Fitness program), you can buy it now! 

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Gateway to Health: Healing Secrets of the Oral Biome

ALL DISEASE begins in the mouth (including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis and even Alzhiemer’s)! Dr. Pedram has brought together the nation’s top dental health experts for a never-before-seen ‘deep dive’ into the new frontier of oral health care. Don't miss this docuseries, starting March 12Register Now

Fatty Liver Docu-class

Did you know that 100 Million people have Fatty Liver Disease just in the United States? It's a huge epidemic that you aren't hearing about in the mainstream media! Come learn how to protect yourself (or even reverse it) in the Fatty Liver Docu-Class. Don't miss the ENCORE, HAPPENING NOWWatch Now

Non-Toxic Beauty Revolution

Did you know that only 4% of women think they are beautiful? The other 96% are on a constant treadmill to "buy their beauty." Every toxic thing we eat, apply and inject into our bodies is a ticking time bomb that could set off illness and can age us more quickly. Women are literally "Dying to be Beautiful" -- we can do better! Don't miss The Non-Toxic Beauty Revolution from March 9-15, 2020, free and online! Register Now

Your Best Sleep Ever

Are you struggling to get a good night's rest? Chronic diseases like Alzheimer's, autoimmunity, diabetes and heart disease are all on the rise. Anxiety, pain, shift work, night sweats, child rearing and racing thoughts can keep us from getting the important quality sleep our bodies need. Don't miss the Your Best Sleep Ever Summit from March 16-22, free and online. Register Now

Hydration Solution Summit

Hydration is not 8 glasses a day! REAL Hydration is all about restoring You and the Planet together! Harness the power and wisdom of water to renew ourselves, restore soils, restore aquifers, reduce plastics, and recover our climate. Water is calling us, Let’s answer. Join us for the Hydration Solution Summit February 15-March 15 for this free, online summit, with live coaching over five consecutive weekends. Watch Now

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