Beth F. Two Year Update

The principles taught in the  12-Day McDougall Program have profoundly transformed my life, especially over the past two years. The concepts of calorie density, batch cooking and simple assembly meals became my cornerstones for change. The idea of FOCUS—Follow One Course Until Successful—helped me block out distractions and confusion, allowing me to stay grounded in what works. The 10-Point Maximum Weight Loss checklist has also been instrumental, guiding my food choices and helping me get back on track whenever I drift.

In Year-2, the teachings from the 12-Day Program have deepened my journey toward holistic wellness. Dr. Lim’s emphasis on true lifestyle changes, addressing overall health rather than just weight, resonated with me. 

Read more of Beth's story

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“The total health care experts on the team were top-notch, deeply expert, the support staff were incredibly caring and helpful. ” - Meredith M.

The 12-Day McDougall Program is excited to feature Dr. Michael Klaper, an internationally recognized expert in diet and health and a highly skilled clinician, who will share insights on diet's role in disease reversal. Also joining the team is plant-based weight loss coach Emily Brulotte, who will offer her top tips for quick, easy and nutritious cooking.
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The Starch Solution Certification Course

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Discover the link between diet and these common digestive issues and learn how the McDougall Diet can not only prevent but also reverse them. Backed by solid scientific evidence, this session promises insights that can transform your life. Learn more-->

Mary’s Mini-McDougall Diet® is a simple starch-based weight loss program. This diet is a simplified tool for people overwhelmed by the initial challenges of starting on the McDougall program and/or boosting their progress when they feel like they've hit a plateau. Learn more-->


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