But that's not the only way to focus on improving your mental health this semester. From schoolwork to your social life, there are a lot of things that can cause stress and/or exacerbate mental health conditions like anxiety. Today, we're going to offer suggestions for how to handle these situations in a healthy and productive way. And always remember: You're not alone. As Nance Roy, Ed.D., clinical director of The Jed Foundation and assistant clinical professor at the Yale School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry, told BuzzFeed Life, “If you’re feeling depressed, remind yourself that it’s not just you — it’s a very common struggle for most students.” There's no need to feel ashamed of seeking help for your mental health.
FIND RESOURCES Perhaps the most important thing you can do if you're dealing with mental health issues is to figure out what resources are available to you. Look up your campus mental health resource center and see what kinds of services they offer. Even if you don't need them right now, it's helpful to have this information on hand if you decide to visit them in the future. Consider turning to your RAs if you live in your school's dorms. Most colleges will train RAs to respond to basic mental health problems and offer other resources if they do not have the answers. Find a friend, professor, family member, or really anyone else that you trust and can talk to. Sometimes, the most important thing is just having someone to listen. Consider medication and/or therapy. If your campus mental health center does not offer these resources itself, they will be able to recommend off-campus doctors and therapists who can help. If you don't know where to start looking for these resources, this guide to starting therapy can get you on track. CUT DOWN ON GENERAL STRESSES Even if you don't have depression, anxiety, or another mental health disorder, college is likely to cause a lot of regular old stress. Here's how to address this stress when it does arise. If procrastination is part of your process, don't get worked up about trying to change. If you tend to be a procrastinator, one of the best things you can do for yourself and your productivity is stop fighting it, as James Hambrick, Ph.D., senior clinical psychologist at the Columbia University Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders and clinician at the Youth Anxiety Center, told BuzzFeed Life. Cut down on your caffeine intake. Coffee and other sources of caffeine can exacerbate symptoms of anxiety like fidgeting or increased heartbeat. Allow yourself to take breaks! If you're not making any progress on an assignment, often the best thing to do is step away for a little to clear your head. Find a calming ritual that you can do regularly to keep yourself feeling zen. Some easy ones? Do yoga. Brew a cup of tea. Go for a walk.
DEAL WITH SOCIAL ANXIETY One of the toughest parts of college is being thrown into a situation with so many people you've never met before, whether that be in the dorms freshman year or simply in a new class each semester. But you can work on overcoming that social anxiety! Don't try to avoid every situation that might cause anxiety. As Hambrick told BuzzFeed Life, “You’re experiencing anxiety today so that the next class section, the next party, will feel a little easier. You will prove to yourself you can do it.” In classes where participation counts toward your grade, try to write down some ideas or talking points beforehand so you feel more prepared to take part. Focus on smaller goals rather than creating huge social expectations for yourself. “A lot of what social anxiety can revolve around are these really inflated expectations,” says Hambrick. By giving yourself smaller goals — like simply showing up to a party you're nervous about — you can start to feel like you're making strides. Don't use alcohol as a solution. With anxiety especially, if you use alcohol as a social lubricant, you’ll probably wind up regretting it the next day — and most likely feeling even more anxious about the things you did while drunk.
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