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Berghain Newsletter Apr‌il 20‌16

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1 AP‌RIL | …GET PERLONIZED! | start: midnight

Panorama Bar
Half Hawaii LIVE | Sammy Dee | Zip | Margaret Dygas

2 APR‌IL | KLUBNACHT | start: midnight

Berghain – MDR
Planetary Assault Systems LIVE
mote-evolver | Answer Code Request ostgut ton | Anthony Parasole the corner | Francois X dement3d | Marcel Dettmann mdr | Milton Bradley do not resist the beat! | Norman Nodge ostgut ton | Sa Pa mdr | Wrong Copy mdr

Panorama Bar – Running Back
running back | Redshape LIVE present | Gerd Janson running back | Jackmaster numbers | Leon Vynehall running back | Maurice Fulton running back | Prins Thomas full pupp | Thomas Hammann

5 AP‌RIL | SKEPTA | start: 8​ pm

Skepta LIVE boy better know | Tereza & Nico Adomako LIVE

8 AP‌RIL | LEISURE SYSTEM | GIEGLING | start: midnight

Berghain – Leisure System.27 | Live In Surround Sound
Aleksi Perälä LIVE
ap musik | Max Cooper LIVE fields | Monolake LIVE monolake / imbalance computer music | Barker leisure system | Gonsher leisure system | N>E>D leisure system

Panorama Bar – Giegling
Leafar Legov LIVE
| map.ache LIVE | DJ Dustin | Konstantin

9 AP‌RIL | KLUBNACHT | start: midnight

Ectomorph LIVE interdimensional transmissions | Donor prosthetic pressings | Etapp Kyle ostgut ton | Fiedel mmm | Levon Vincent novel sound | Ryan Elliott ostgut ton | Steffi ostgut ton | Tommy Four Seven clr

Panorama Bar
Automatic Tasty LIVE lunar disko | Âme innervisions | Baba Stiltz studio barnhus | Hunee rush hour | Midland aus music | Oracy mojuba | Richard Fearless drone | The Black Madonna stripped & chewed

15 A‌PRIL | FINEST FRIDAY | start: midnight

Panorama Bar
Lars Bartkuhn LIVE neroli | Jay Daniel wild oats | Lakuti uzuri | Mark Grusane sounds familiar | Tama Sumo ostgut ton

16 AP‌RIL | KLUBNACHT | start: midnight

Berghain – Mord
Ansome LIVE mord | DeFeKT LIVE convex industries | TR-101 LIVE | Bas Mooy mord | Charlton mord | Pär Grindvik stockholm ltd | Ron Albrecht pure traxx | Sunil Sharpe on the hoof | UVB mord

Panorama Bar
g-HA jaeger oslo | Lord Of The Isles permanent vacation | Marcus Marr dfa | Muallem bob beaman | Nick Höppner ostgut ton | Olanskii jaeger oslo | Pearson Sound hessle audio | Virginia ostgut ton

21 APR‌IL | LIIMA | start: 8​ pm

LIIMA LIVE 4ad | ISLAJA LIVE monika enterprise

22 APR‌IL | DIAL NACHT | start: midnight

Panorama Bar
James K LIVE dial | Carsten Jost dial | Kate Miller | Lawrence dial | RNDM dial

23 AP‌RIL | KLUBNACHT | start: midnight

Boris ostgut ton | Cleric figure | Dax J monnom black | Efdemin dial | Koehler berceuse heroique | Len Faki figure | Regal involve | Stranger monnom black

Panorama Bar – Sister Midnight
classic | Ata | Daniel Avery phantasy sound | Honey Dijon classic | Ivan Smagghe les disques de la mort | Roman Flügel larj | Shaun J. Wright classic

28-30 AP‌RIL | R-N 20 – WHITE CIRCLE | open: 2-‌9 p‌m

Halle am Berghain – raster-noton präsentiert:
white circle

29 APR‌IL | R-N 20 – ZWANZIG JAHRE RASTER-NOTON | start: 7 p‌m

Berghain – raster-noton präsentiert:
Atom™ LIVE
| Dasha Rush LIVE | Emptyset LIVE | Grischa Lichtenberger LIVE | Alva Noto LIVE | Byetone LIVE | Donnacha Costello LIVE | Robert Lippok LIVE | Kangding Ray LIVE | Kyoka LIVE | Marcel Dettmann

Panorama Bar
Alpha & Beta | credit00 | Magda | Nastia

Halle am Berghain – separater Einlass und Kasse
white circle
installation (2‌8.-3‌0. Apr‌il)

30 AP‌RIL | KLUBNACHT | start: midnight

Voiski LIVE delsin | Ben Klock ostgut ton | Ben Sims theory | DVS1 hush | Joey Anderson dekmantel | Makam dekmantel | Somewhen imf | Volte-Face bleed

Panorama Bar
Chida esp institute | Dekmantel Soundsystem dekmantel | Mano le Tough permanent vacation | Marcellus Pittman unirhythm | Motor City Drum Ensemble mcde | Roi Perez | Young Marco



1 APR‌IL | NERVE | start: 8​ pm

Kantine am Berghain

4 APR‌IL | FRØKEDAL | start: 8​ pm

Kantine am Berghain
Frøkedal LIVE propeller recordings | Freschard LIVE radbab records / conky / b.y_records

5 APR‌IL | DRALMS | FARAO | start: 8​ pm

Kantine am Berghain
Dralms LIVE full time hobby | Farao LIVE full time hobby

7 APR‌IL | KOMETENMELODIEN | start: 8​ pm

Kantine am Berghain – Kometenmelodien
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith LIVEwestern vinyl | Kasket LIVE apollo | Michael Rosen dj

9 AP‌RIL | UNBALANCED | start: 11​ pm

Kantine am Berghain
yunas orchestra LIVE | Enzo Pietropaolo | Friends With Benefits | More Than | S-Senz

11 AP‌RIL | THE CHAP | start: 8​ pm

Kantine am Berghain
The Chap LIVE lo recordings | Tendre Biche


Kantine am Berghain
Choir Of Young Believers LIVE tigerspring / ghostly international


Kantine am Berghain
Qeaux Qeaux Joans LIVE blackbird music | Cameron James Laing LIVE

15 APR‌IL | KOMETENMELODIEN | start: 8​ pm

Kantine am Berghain – Kometenmelodien
NAO LIVE little tokyo recordings | Demo Taped LIVE

16 APR‌IL | GREAT LAKE SWIMMERS | start: 8​ pm

Kantine am Berghain
Great Lake Swimmers LIVE nettwerk | Mary Lattimore LIVE ghostly international / desire path recordings / kit records

17 AP‌RIL | THE BODY & FULL OF HELL | start: 7​ pm

Kantine am Berghain
The Body LIVE neurot recordings / thrill jockey | Full Of Hell LIVE neurot recordings / a389 recordings

19 AP‌RIL | K-X-P | start: 8​ pm

Kantine am Berghain
K-X-P LIVE öm / svart | MYNTH LIVE seayou entertainment

21 APR‌IL | RADIATION CITY | start: 8​ pm

Kantine am Berghain
Radiation City LIVE tender loving empire

22 APR‌IL | MUTUAL BENEFIT | start: 8​ pm

Kantine am Berghain
Mutual Benefit LIVE mom + pop music

23 APR‌IL | PENTATONES | start: 8​ pm

Kantine am Berghain
Pentatones LIVE lebensfreude records

24 AP‌RIL | LITTLE CLARA & LES CHACALS | start: 8​ pm

Kantine am Berghain
Little Clara & Les Chacals LIVE q-sounds recording | The Adelians LIVE q-sounds recording

25 APR‌IL | PARRA FOR CUVA & SENOY | start: 8​ pm

Kantine am Berghain
Parra for Cuva & Senoy LIVE project mooncircle

26 APR‌IL | JOHANNES MOTSCHMANN | start: 8​ pm

Kantine am Berghain
Johannes Motschmann LIVE neue meister

30 AP‌RIL | SOPHIA | start: 8​ pm

Kantine am Berghain
SOPHIA LIVE the flower shop recordings / [pias] / motor music


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