Tu Salud News Update
Understanding Barriers to Weight-Loss Surgery in Latino Communities
A study aims to determine barriers to metabolic and bariatric surgery and enhance patient-provider communication.
Health Clinic Workers Brush Up on Constitutional Protections as Immigration Raids Loom
A long-standing policy that prevented federal immigration agents from making arrests at hospitals and health centers was rolled back.
Kick Off Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month With ACS’s New Risk Assessment Tool
The American Cancer Society’s new educational resource empowers individuals to reduce cancer risk and support overall health.
Community Surveys Show Enthusiasm for Long-Acting Hepatitis C Cure Research
Long-acting HCV therapy could potentially cure people with a single injection at the time of diagnosis.
Healthy Recipe: Portobello Mushroom Burger
Mushrooms are rich in vitamins and minerals like selenium, an important antioxidant for metabolic health.
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