Recipes (May 02, 2019)
A new contest period has started! Right now we are looking for posts about celebrating Mother's day, Father's day, graduation, camping or vacation meal ideas. Please submit recipes and tips for potlucks and summer parties, or anything that can save time or money in the kitchen.

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Recipe Contest

Submit your family's favorite recipes to ThriftyFun! You can earn between $5 and $70 for each eligible recipe you submit!

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Food Tip Contest

Send in your favorite advice about cooking and storing food. Tips selected for publication are entered in our Food Tip contest which awards $50 to the best tip.

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Today's Featured Post

Banana Walnut Spread

By attosa

Banana Walnut Spread on breadThis is an easy to make banana walnut spread that will up your plain toast to make it taste like warm and comforting banana bread. You can lessen or add powdered sugar to your taste. The banana's ripeness also plays a role in how sweet it is. No baking required!

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Today's Guides
Pumpkin Carrot Bread
Pumpkin Carrot Bread
Green Chile Verde Recipes
Green chiles.
Beans and Rice Recipes
Cajun beans and rice.
Creamy Enchilada Recipes
Creamy Chicken Enchiladas
Today's Posts

Grilled Sausage Chili

By 15mhhm15

Grilled Sausage Chili in potIf you are already grilling, you can toss some sausages on the grill and have tomorrow's lunch/dinner made. This is a quick meal that can easily be paired with corn bread, bread, mac n' cheese, or your choice of sides.

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Strawberry Lime Punch

By Stephanie

Strawberry Lime PunchThis is a great tasting non-alcoholic punch. Great for kids parties or as a kid option at an all ages potluck.

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Make Your Own Grated Cheese

By littergitter

Make Your Own Grated CheeseWe love cheese and have it about every day. When I realized that we were washing the grater just about every day, I decided I would grate enough to last the whole week and put it in an air tight container.

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Answer Questions and Earn!

We are giving away $200 in Amazon gift cards (US only) for people who answer recent questions on ThriftyFun this month! Gift cards will be awarded to the top ten users who answer the most questions this month. Prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st - $50, 2nd - $40, 3rd - $30, 4th - $20, and 5th to 10th - $10.

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Today's Question
Making Pound Cake from Boxed Cake Mix
When making the pound cake, can a regular pound cake pan be used or must it be a tube pan?
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