Guardian Australia Sport
Top stories
AFL / Carlton player refusing to get Covid vaccine before pre-season training
Carlton player refusing to get Covid vaccine before pre-season training
History on Socceroos’ side but high-flying Saudi Arabia aim to change narrative
History on Socceroos’ side but high-flying Saudi Arabia aim to change narrative
Morgan keeps cards close to his chest for reshuffle
Morgan keeps cards close to his chest for reshuffle
Servette 0-7 Chelsea / Kerr and Kirby at double in WCL Swiss stroll for Blues
Kerr and Kirby at double in WCL Swiss stroll for Blues
Tennis / Raducanu laughs off Jones’s comments
Raducanu laughs off Jones’s comments
Cricket / Yorkshire head coach Gale suspended over historical tweet
Yorkshire head coach Gale suspended over historical tweet
Around the globe
Aston Villa want Steven Gerrard as next manager and plan Rangers approach
Aston Villa want Steven Gerrard as next manager and plan Rangers approach
Emile Smith Rowe: ‘Before, I was a bit too lazy. I didn’t really listen’
Emile Smith Rowe: ‘Before, I was a bit too lazy. I didn’t really listen’
Matty Cash: ‘I’ve got relations in Poland but I’ve never been there’
Matty Cash: ‘I’ve got relations in Poland but I’ve never been there’
Servette 0-7 Chelsea: Women’s Champions League – as it happened!
Servette 0-7 Chelsea: Women’s Champions League – as it happened!
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