Good Afternoon John So, we are six weeks into the COVID-19 situation. How are you and your family faring? I hope everyone is well. We had our Ask Jackie Anything – Excel last week Thursday. I'm grateful to everyone who participated; teaching brings me joy and it felt great to give back. Based on the feedback, it was also a rewarding experience for participants. Here are just some of the questions asked. I’ve heard of VLOOKUP functions. How do they work? How do we prevent duplicate entries in one column? In two columns? Note: This problem is what leads a lot of people to move from Excel to a database like Access, because they don't know Excel offers the same functionality. How do I create a drop-down list? What are some ways entrepreneurs can use Excel in their operations? As a bonus, I shared my personal favorite hack for making creating functions easier. Some of you may be wondering if we’ll have another “Ask Jackie Anything.” The answer is yes. I don’t have a date yet. Once I do, you’ll be the first to know. For those who need immediate help, I offer 1-on-1 training/consulting for a fee. I will negotiate fees with anyone who is affected by COVID-19. One last thing: if you work with data, you know Power BI Desktop is one of the hottest tools right now. If you’re interested in getting up to speed, we have a class coming soon and it’s priced $200 - $500 less than many others. Have a great weekend! Warmly, Jackie Kiadii, CEO Phoenix Computer Consultants, LLC Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), Microsoft Office Specialist Master t. 770-498-7333 e. [email protected] w. a. 1100 Peachtree Street Suite 200 Atlanta, GA 30309 l. http// |