FCA DAILY IMPACT PLAY Are You Really a Leader? | |
Moses asked God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and that I should bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” He answered, “I will certainly be with you.”–Exodus 3:11-12a | |
I will never forget playing basketball my freshman year of college. I had just graduated from a Christian high school and was ready to impact all of my fellow teammates. While on road trips, I would have to stay in a room with two other teammates. During every trip, I would deliberately take out my Bible at night and do a quiet time, thinking that if my teammates saw me reading the Bible, they would ask questions. I thought by doing this, I was being a leader. At the same time I was doing quiet times, I was struggling with sinful language. During practices, games, or just walking around campus with my teammates, profanity was always coming out of my mouth. I felt I had to be that way to get respect from my teammates and to be taken seriously. As I look back on that year, was I really being a leader? Yeah, I was doing my quiet times unashamed in a room where my teammates could see me, but outside of that time I was talking, acting, and living just like they were. Why would my teammates want to change their lives and follow Jesus if I was living the same way they were? | |
Are you choosing to be a true leader? What are you doing to set yourself apart from everybody else? Are you being a leader in FCA, but outside of FCA acting like everybody else? | |
Lord, please teach me to be a godly leader. Be with me as You were with Moses, and speak through me that I may be an example of Your love and a witness to Your saving grace. Thank You. Amen. | | |
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