Dear Reader, Have you heard of The Jubilee? In the past few weeks, Porter has written about this idea several times. In short: It's a truly radical plan to "fix" what many perceive as America's biggest problems: racism, income disparity, poverty, and inequality. And it's an idea gaining serious momentum, both in Washington and among the world's most prominent academics. Folks like Carmen Reinhart of Harvard… Stephen Roach of Yale… and David Graeber of the London School of Academics… they're are all in favor of it in one form or another. Paul Kedrosky, a senior fellow at the Kaufman Foundation, says: "we need a fresh start, and we need it now… we need… a Jubilee." But Porter is one of the few voicing serious concern. He says: "Soon millions will be calling for a Jubilee. Some violently. The crowds will cheer. And politicians will promise a new and better prosperity. But what will happen is really a national nightmare." If you've never heard of "The Jubilee," it's a term with origins in the Bible, in the Old Testament. And it's an idea that could have a huge impact on your life (your money, your retirement, and your family) over the next few years. And now, Porter and his team have put together a full analysis on The Jubilee, which we believe will become one of THE most important social and economic topics of the next few months. You can read this analysis free of charge, on the Stansberry Research website, here. Sincerely, Mike Palmer Senior Partner Stansberry Research |