Discover how to help them reach employees more effectively during this hands-on workshop.

Turning Managers into Communicators Workshop

Managers have a lot of strengths—great communication, though, isn’t often one of them.

All too often, leaders fail to become active participants in internal communications because they lack communications savvy. Fortunately, that can be taught.

Ragan’s Turning Managers into Communicators Workshop will share strategies for breaking down the communications barriers between managers and employees and transforming these higher-ups into interactive and engaging communicators.

You have three opportunities to attend this unique workshop:

  • Aug. 9: New Orleans
  • Sept. 12: Indianapolis
  • Oct. 10: Weston, Florida (Fort Lauderdale area)

Can’t get out of the office? Register for our live webcast of this workshop on Oct. 10.

Join global communications leader Bryant Hilton and learn how to:

  • Prove to managers that spending time on communications efforts benefits them and your organization
  • Work with your team to create an effective communications training plan for managers
  • Sustain engaging communication from managers, even after their training ends

Take managers from passive communicators to drivers of engaging employee communications—and benefit everyone.

Register here to save $100 on the live workshop

Register here to save $100 on the live webcast

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