Where writers come
together to create.
eWriteabout April 2024
The Gold Coast Writers' Association is a volunteer-run
not-for-profit organisation.

Our mission is to encourage and support writers from all genres, age groups and levels of experience to grow, learn and excel in their craft.
We meet on the third Saturday of the month. 
Editor's Note

Hello everyone – hope you all had a great weekend!

This month our meeting is back at Burleigh Waters Community Centre at the usual time of 12-3 pm.

We have some great speakers lined up for you, and if you have been working on a short story, or are feeling inspired, we have just the workshop to get your creative juices flowing!

And if you would like some constructive feedback on what you have been working on, then you might like to check out our Critique Group
details in the newsletter.

If you are interested in entering our GCWA Short Story Competition, we also offer a very reasonable critique option to our members. Here's a couple of testimonials from two of last year's entrants:

'I enjoyed the judge's comments. They are most helpful. I admit that was my first attempt at a short story and wholeheartedly agree with the comments and will take them on board. My thanks to the judges for the great effort in both reading my story and providing the insightful critique.'

'I would highly recommend the GCWA Short Story Competition together with the feedback option. I had a genuinely rewarding experience writing and found the critique from multiple judges to be insightful and inspiring.' 

If the idea of writing a short story is starting to pique your interest, then here are the links to last year's winners (Jo, the author of The Good Mother, is one of our guest speakers this month).





No matter what you are writing, we have all the notes regarding 'the elements necessary for crafting a compelling story/narrative' from last month's guest speaker, T.M Clarke, up on our blog – and as Tina says:

Don’t get bogged in technicalities!

Just write!

Jackie Washington, Editor
President's Report

Dear GCWA members and friends

April already, and I have some positive news to share. I’ve been writing. Apparently, that is what us authors are meant to do, but like many of you, I barely find the free time and when I do have the time, I often find more urgent tasks to fill it with. It has been a bit of a problem for me lately and so I decided to re-arrange my schedule to take two days off. My first full weekend off in a long while. So, with that time, I have taken to writing my next psychological thriller.

I’m not promoting the use of procrastination, but instead sharing that I too can identify with the common complaint of finding the space to write. Everyone seems to have their own method and timeframes for writing. Our speakers and workshop facilitators at GCWA events will tell you to write often. And rightly so. I also want to add that you need to find your own way to do that.

My method this weekend is simple. Write a chapter and jump in the pool. You see, I have two very patient and precious pups who sit beside me as I write. They also sit beside me when I work and shower but that’s a different story. So, I write a chapter or two (if the chapters are small) then reward them and me with a swim and lots of ball play. My mind wanders to what I will write next and when we are ready, we jump out of the water and write the next chapter.

It seems to have worked so far. As I have been living in my current residence, I’ve completed several novel length books and many short stories, so for now, I’ll stick with what’s working. I write this to encourage you to do the same. What is your schedule, reward, or method for writing? Do what works for you. Just as no two stories are the same, no two writers are the same. We are unique. That’s what makes us creatives. You do you.

Best wishes for your writing, reading, and living a creative life doing it all your way.

Kellie Cox, GCWA President 
Create, Inspire, Connect.
Vice President's April Musings

I recently tried something new: describing myself without mentioning my job, relationships, or any personal history or achievements—not even my age. At first, I was stumped. What could I say? So, I paused, closed my eyes, and let my imagination wander to what a perfect day for me would feel like. It struck me how we often reduce ourselves to labels and titles instead of embracing our raw selves. I wondered, what if we focused more on being present and enjoying each moment for what it is? This experiment led me to express myself more freely and share these thoughts. So, here's a bit of what went through my mind.
I thrive on sunny, blue-skied days no matter the season although the mood is made perfect by inhaling the smell of ocean breezes mingled with printed pages of books and journals freshly inked with wisdom welling from the depths of dreams.
My ears and heart are poised, leaning, listening for the songs and sighs of life that are lost on the rest of the world. My gaze searching for a curious soul who is also meandering through time seeking out the threads of magic that few ever discover.
My eyes are drawn away from the window, that frames how I’d really love to indulge my time, back to the reality where I’m scurrying between numbers trapped in a series of cages, bells, whistles and demanding sentences loaded with details and facts.
I feel a crossroad, an opportunity looming.  I plan to grab it with both hands, embrace it and wrap my legs around it. To snuggle into the feeling of adventure and turn my back on the Groundhog Day existence of counting beans and living responsibly.
I urge you to write anytime, anywhere—scribble in a tiny notebook, jot down thoughts on a shopping receipt, type out lines on your phone, or just muse in your head. Let the hard lines of your identity blur a little with the colours of your daydreams, and give yourself the freedom to fully appreciate the bright and subtle moments hidden within life's mundane and stormy seasons.
(And by the way, that crossroad I mentioned in my little piece showed itself within days of writing this.  I will share more in the next Newsletter, stay tuned)

Jen Swenson, GCWA Vice President 
Create, Inspire, Connect.
The GCWA meets on the third Saturday of each month.

We are back at our usual meeting place at the

111-136 Christine Ave, Burleigh Waters QLD 4220

Click here for the Google Maps location


  • 11:45 Arrive and register
  • 12:00 Meeting start – brief announcements
  • 12:10 Eileen O’Hely and Chloe Finnis
  • 12:30 The Brisbane Scribes will present a Short Story Workshop
  • 13:15 Tea and networking break
  • 13:45 Workshop continued
  • 15:00 Close

Members and visitors are encouraged to arrive at 11:45 to complete the entry process so we can start on time. If you have flu-like symptoms or feel unwell, please stay at home and get better quickly.

GCWA members: $5.00
Visitors: $10.00

EFTPOS payment preferred; however, cash is accepted.


At this month's meeting, we will start off with a 15–20 minute Q&A about the collaboration process to write and illustrate and then publish a picture book.

Eileen O’Hely (Author) spent her childhood making up stories for her dolls and stuffed toys to act out. After a brief foray as an astronomer, she traded in stars for words and started writing children’s books. In her spare time Eileen likes solving puzzles, playing music and tap dancing.

Chloe Finnis (Illustrator) spends most of her time finding creative ways to move through life. A vocation in graphic design has seen her return to the whimsy of pen-on-paper illustration, a realisation of her childhood pursuits.

The Brisbane Scribes will present a 90-minute workshop on Creating Winning Short Stories

The Brisbane Scribes are Jo Skinner, Jane Connolly, Jennifer Adams, Tatia Power, Bernadette Condren, Marnie Bolton. (click here for more info on this literary powerhouse group.) The Scribes are a group of passionate writers who meet regularly to challenge and be challenged by one another, to support each other’s writing progress, and to celebrate successes.
Jenny Adams, Jane Connolly, and Jo Skinner from the Brisbane Scribes will use their collective wisdom to teach us how to write winning short stories. Perfect timing to hone your entry for the GCWA Short Story Competition. The Scribes are so excited to be invited to speak at the next GCWA meeting. What could be more fun than talking about writing?
Link for the Brisbane Scribes Insta
Link for Brisbane Scribes website

For more information, please head to the GCWA website

Closing Date 31st May


For all the information you need, please head to our GCWA website
Gold Coast Writers' Association Short Story Competition - Testimonial
I find it hard to resist a short story competition and when I saw the Gold Coast one
advertised, the kernel of an idea started to germinate. Prompted by the experience of a fellow who had grown up in foster care, I set to work crafting a story that had hovered in my imagination for some time. It is always challenging to know if my story is good enough, if my words are ready to be scrutinised by others, so learning I had won second place filled me with joy. My story, The Good Mother, was very special to me, and it meant the world that it spoke to the judges as well.

Critique Group April 2024

The Gold Coast Writers' Association Critique group aims to help its members improve the readability of their work. Giving and receiving feedback on our work can be scary so we will have a strict ‘Constructive Feedback Only’ rule. After a short introduction, we will take a piece to read and provide written feedback. The final 30 minutes will be an opportunity for each person to give and receive feedback to each person in the group.

The next meeting is Thursday 18th April 2024 from 5.30 - 7.30 pm.
Arrive in time for a 5.30 pm start.

Cost: $10 includes a hot beverage.

Please join the Gold Coast Writers' Association to attend.   https://goldcoastwriters.org/about/memberships/   

For bookings, head over to the Bookness Events page.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]



We love sharing news from our GCWA members to shine the spotlight on new work, awards and publishing wins from local writers. Here's just a taste of the success in and around the Gold Coast writing community in recent weeks.

This month, congratulations go to Kate Foster for being shortlisted in the Queensland Writers Centre 'Adaptable Program' - turning the page to screen.

And also to Sandra Mayer for the launch of her new children's book 'Tip and Tap'. You can find out more about whether 'Tip and Tap are naughty dogs, or are they just having a bit of fun?' at www.sandramayerwriter.com and the books are also available in our GCWA bookshop, on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/tipandtap or at Sandra's Etsy shop http://etsy.com/au/shop/SandraMayerBooks

If you have exciting GCWA member news to share, please email our Association Editor at [email protected] with all the details.

If you would like to order a GCWA badge with your name and member number, email our treasurer, Jen, at [email protected] with your preferred name. Then deposit $15.00 into the GCWA General Account
BSB: 034-279
ACC: 435356
using your surname and 'badge' as a reference.

Or you can place your order directly with Jen at the Saturday meeting.
Each month the Gold Coast Libraries offer
brilliant workshops and author talks.


Join Louise Milligan as she discusses her thrilling fiction debut Pheasants Nest.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries

Candice Fox is back with another nail-biter exploring what happens when the city’s heroes become criminals in Devil’s Kitchen.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries

Meet author Georgia Harper and find out about her debut novel What I Would Do to You.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries

The Cryptic Clue is the latest and highly anticipated twisty mystery in The Tea Ladies mystery series by Amanda Hampson.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries

Australia’s first MasterChef winner and bestselling cookbook author Julie Goodwin shares her extraordinary life story in her memoir, Your Time Starts Now.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries

In his book The Intuition Toolkit, Joel shares the science behind how our bodies know things our brains don’t, and how to use this to make better, quicker decisions.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries

Gone is author Glenna Thomson’s first foray in the mystery genre, following on from her books Stella and Margie and Blueberry.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries

Editing, Publishing & Promoting for Indie Authors

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries
Gold Coast Libraries and the Queensland Writers Centre have teamed up to offer Gold Coast writers a space to cultivate their habit of writing and connect with other writers in the community. Following the Pomodoro Technique, Writing Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are a free, volunteer-led program for local writers at all levels.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries
Support your local Independent book store.

GCWA MEMBERS Mention your membership at Big B Books
in Burleigh Heads to receive 10% off books.

Angela and David Photography believe every image is its own unique story, a moment in time consisting of both large and small emotions which are shared between all present, employing technical expertise, years of experience, a flexible approach, excellent communication skills and an affordable rate.

In January, Angela and David volunteered their time to create author images for 16 lucky GCWA members. Contact Angela and David on 0487921064 or head to their website to enquire about their packages.

Open notebook on a table next to a cup of tea

Would you like to be a member of the GCWA?

The Gold Coast Writers' Association aims to support and encourage writers of all levels, across all genres. We welcome writers and readers to share their experiences and connect with a wider audience.

Here are some of the benefits of joining the Association:

  • Gain access to the ‘Members Only’ Facebook page where you can connect with other members and find useful writing resources.
  • Promote and sell your books through associated avenues.
  • Receive members’ rates at all GCWA special events.
  • Network and collaborate with individuals across all levels of writing.
  • Benefit from opportunities to meet and socialise with like-minded people in a friendly environment.
More GCWA membership information here ...
People sitting at a desk in a conference room
Come and join us on the GCWA Facebook page and members, be sure to join the
Gold Coast Writers’ Association Members group.

We'd love your feedback! If you have some tips and suggestions for the committee, please email Kellie on [email protected] and if you love the GCWA, head over to our Facebook page and give us your 5-star review.

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