Amazon is helping to drive a bigger-than-expected surge in CTV ad spending -

Hi John,

One stark indicator of traditional TV’s fall from grace: Retail media ad spending will surpass it in 2025 and double it two years later.

On the other hand, connected TV (CTV) is picking up the slack. With major new players coming to the CTV ad market (Netflix, Disney+, and Amazon in a span of about 18 months), spending will grow by around 20% in 2023 and 2024, and by low double digits through 2027.

Download a complimentary copy of our analyst report, “ TV and Connected TV Ad Spending Forecasts H2 2023: Digital Growth Makes Up for Erosion on the Traditional Side,” to learn how marketers should start preparing for a future where more and more of their TV-style spots go to OTT platforms.

Receive your copy. This eMarketer analyst report is presented by MiQ.

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