Amex throws hat into online lending ring, Stripe expands Connect platform to Europe, 77 days until Same Day ACH launch.



July 6, 2016

Payments Loyalty

MasterCard On Changing Consumer Behavior

It isn’t points. It may not even be cash back. But it is finding the ‘insight within an insight’ that can change consumer behavior and drive a profitable relationship. Marti Beller, Group Head of Global Products and Platforms, Loyalty Solutions at MasterCard, tells Karen Webster how issuers and brands can look deep and find them – and loyalty’s Holy Grail.


Online Lending

Amex Sets Sights on Working Capital Loans

With an eye on Square and other FinTech upstarts, Amex is branching out into working capital loans — and banking on its deep credit knowledge to gain competitive advantage.

Investment Tracker

June's Big Finish And HourlyNerd's Strong Series C

June continued its show of strength with $6.1 billion in combined investment activity. Banking proper saw the bulk of that action. Also riding the summer wave of investor good feeling is HourlyNerd, which just picked up $22 million for its "Uber of Skilled Staffing" platform. The Boston-based firm has signed 10 percent of the Fortune 500 as clients and says it's just getting started.


Faster Payments Tracker™

Same Day’s September 23rd Game Day

It’s happening. With the launch of Same Day ACH Phase 1 now roughly two months away, banks are getting ready for a payments future that’s faster – and forging partnerships to help them get there. July’s Faster Payments Tracker™ takes stock of the latest moves by two of the big guys, BNY Mellon and Chase, as well as Treasury Software Director Glenn Fromer’s POV on the impact of Same Day ACH on banks and businesses.


What's Hot

San Francisco Considers Tech Tax

Brexit Spurs Data Privacy Problems

NRF Says Consumers Want Swipe Fee Caps To Stay Put

Russian Online Lending Marketplace Lands In US

EU To Rein In Bitcoin, Change Prepaid Rules

Stripe Expands Platform In Europe

X-Border Payments Startup Banks $3M

Amazon May Open Bookstore In Manhattan

Will Chip Cards Hurt The Retail ATM Market?

BoE Opens Brexit Lending Relief Value

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Meet The Global Citizen

The Authentication Crack In Bureau Data


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