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Dear John ,
These days we are inundated by so many wellness ‘breakthroughs’ promising that our life will be transformed if we try this diet, buy that cream, do this exercise regime, etc.. that it can be difficult to know which advice to trust. 

Generally - although you probably won’t find it on the Instagram feed of the latest wellness guru - the most reliable advice is the tried and tested kind; the one that has stuck around for thousands of years. 
Ayurveda is one of the most ancient and renowned systems of medicine, thought to have been around since the Vedic period, (c. 1500 – c. 500 B.C.E). Translated as the ‘science of life’ Ayurveda seeks to prevent illness, rather than cure it. It places great emphasis on the importance of balance and asserts that our health is intrinsically linked to our internal and external environment. 
Ayurveda recognises that we have an innate nature (body, mind and consciousness) and studying it can help us to understand our unique constitution. Once we have a better understanding of this and how it may change on any given day, we can make more informed choices and learn how best to support ourselves throughout our lives.

And that beats desperately scrolling through Instagram, hoping to find the next cure-all for a happier, more harmonious you any day ;)

Check out Irina’s article below for a simple, self-care morning routine, as well as her new Academy courses on Ayurveda (with a little 'Early bird' treat).

Esther and the team.
For this week only! Use the code EARLYBIRD20 to enjoy a 20% discount off both courses. Offer valid until Monday, 17th August 2020.

Fundamentals of Ayurveda

With Irina Verwer
Understand your innate nature as well as your needs at a given point in time, so that you can make the best lifestyle choices to support you through life.
Early bird: €55.20

Ayurveda for Pregnancy

With Irina Verwer
In this course Irina guides you through some practical steps so you can best support yourself and your baby before, during and after pregnancy.
Early bird: €39.20
Invite your friends - no details required, no strings attached.
Available for 2 weeks.

Know thyself

Irina Verwer | Hatha 
A delicious stretchy, slow, flowing class to tune in with yourself.

Connect to the flow of life

Esther Ekhart | Vinyasa Flow 
A straightforward class with time to connect to how you feel, and to listen how your body speaks to you.

Balance your energy body

José de Groot | Yin Yoga
Balance the Yin and Yang energies of your body with Pranayama and acupuncture points.

A tender balance

Anat Geiger | Vinyasa Flow
Find balance and harmony even as everything around us is continually changing and shifting. 

Calm down: Pitta Dosha class

Irina Verwer | Vinyasa Flow
A calming, cooling and balancing practice for a Pitta Dosha person (or during summer).

Ayurvedic morning self-care routine

Dinacharya is the Ayurvedic practice of having a daily self-care routine. Irina Verwer takes us through the 8 step morning routine she follows each day.

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All about Ayurveda

Ayurveda explores the science behind life itself. Emma tells us everything we need to know about this ancient health system.

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