In this issue, February 01, 2022 View it in your browser.

AI WebGPT, OpenSSF Scorecards, Supply Chains, Understandability, Cloud-Native Scaling, DPA Ruling, GraalVM 22.0, Colors in .NET, Etsy Moves to Preact, Scaling Architecture, Engineering Enablement

Upcoming QCon Events 2022: Get ready to deep-dive with leading software practitioners.

With the software landscape constantly evolving, the need to keep your skills relevant is crucial. QCon Software Conference brings together the world’s most innovative senior software engineers across multiple domains to share their real-world implementation of emerging trends and practices. Attend in-person at QCon London (April 4-6), or attend online at QCon Plus (May 10-20).



API Gateway Use Cases for Kubernetes

Join this webinar to learn why Kubernetes-native tools are the best choice for most API gateway use cases in Kubernetes, how an Ingress controller can satisfy most API gateway use cases, and when a service mesh might be necessary. Live Webinar, March 3rd, 2022 - Save Your Seat.

Cyber Security with Maxime Lamothe-Brassard

In this episode of the InfoQ Podcast, Thomas Betts talks with Maxime Lamothe-Brassard about cybersecurity. Understanding security is very similar to understanding software architecture, with general concepts applicable to everyone, and specific needs that depend on your situation. The discussion covers roles and responsibilities, DevSecOps, and the current and future state of cloud-native security. (Podcast)

Evidence Based Management with

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, lead editor for culture & methods, spoke to Patricia Kong of about Evidence Based Management. (Podcast)

OpenAI Announces Question-Answering AI WebGPT

OpenAI has developed WebGPT, an AI model for long-form question-answering based on GPT-3. WebGPT can use web search queries to collect supporting references for its response, and on Reddit questions its answers were preferred by human judges over the highest-voted answer 69% of the time. (News)



Using Reinforcement Learning To Beat Go Masters and Write Java Unit Tests

Discover how reinforcement learning's probabilistic search finds winning solutions and how this can also be applied to writing code. Learn how unit regression tests differ from typical unit tests and how they're used during development and in continuous integration pipelines. Live Webinar, Feb 10th, 2022 - Save Your Seat.


  1. Elastic Releases Terraform Providers for the Elastic Stack and Elastic Cloud

  2. Google and GitHub Announce OpenSSF Scorecards v4 with New GitHub Actions Workflow

  3. Aqua Security Reports Large Increase in Supply Chain Attacks

Why Change Intelligence is Necessary to Effectively Troubleshoot Modern Applications

Change Intelligence is often a missing component in incident management. Successfully correlating monitoring and observability data to arrive allows engineers to arrive at the root cause more rapidly. Telemetry provides the building blocks that enable change intelligence to identify and map the root cause, based on changes in the system and their broader impact. (Article)

Resilience in Supply Chain Security

Dan Lorenc goes over real-world threats facing open source supply-chains today, and what can be done to architect resilient build and delivery pipelines. (Presentation with transcript included)
Learn how to solve complex software engineering and leadership challenges. Attend in-person at QCon London, (April 4-6) or attend online at QCon Plus (May 10-20). Save your spot now!

Panel: Observability and Understandability

Jason Yee, John Egan, and Ben Sigelman discuss their approaches and preferred methods to get impactful results in incident management, distributed tracing, and chaos engineering. (Presentation with transcript included)


  1. Amazon OpenSearch Adds Anomaly Detection for Historical Data

Scaling Cloud-Native Applications

vJim Walker, Yan Cui, Colin Breck, Liz Fong-Jones, and Wes Reisz look at lessons from scaling applications and things that may go wrong. (Presentation with transcript included)

Austrian DPA Ruling against Google Analytics Paves the Way to EU-based Cloud Services

In a recent ruling, the Austrian data regulator declared the use of Google Analytics unlawful based on EU GDPR regulation. While the ruling is very specifically argued and worded, its implications go well beyond this particular case. (News)


Palo Alto

The DevSecGuide to Infrastructure as Code

DevSecOps has paved the way for teams to automate security and embed it into the DevOps lifecycle. In this guide, we’ll explore the challenges of leveraging DevSecOps to secure the cloud and how infrastructure as code makes it all possible. Download now.


  1. What's New in MicroProfile 5.0

  2. GraalVM 22.0 Released with Native Image Improvements

  3. Java News Roundup: JDK 18 in RD2, Spring Boot Updates, GraalVM 22, WildFly 2022 Release Plan

Apple Open Sources GCGC: a Tool to Analyze Java GC Logs

Apple has open-sourced GCGC, a tool for Java Garbage Collector (GC) logs visualization based on Python 3 and pandas. GCGC uses a Jupyter notebook to analyze and visualize GC log files. (News)



How to Implement Continuous Testing

In this guide, we break the DevOps pipeline down into distinct phases and detail the types of testing that should be executed in each. Move beyond shift-left; access the full testing in DevOps guidee.


  1. Microsoft Releases YARP - Yet Another Reverse Proxy

Colors in .NET: an In-Depth Guide

In this article, Peter Huber explains the intricacies of choosing and manipulating colors in .NET, from the basics of understanding how a monitor creates color to generating and manipulating your own color. A must-read for graphic designers and software developers working with .NET. (Article)

Etsy Moves from React to Preact to Lower Migration Risks

Ben Sangster, a software engineer at Etsy, recently detailed the reasoning behind Etsy’s migration from React v15.6 to Preact 10. Going beyond the difference in library size, Sangster argued that adopting Preact lowered the risk associated to migrating Etsy’s large codebase. As Preact was already used by Etsy’s front-end team, migrating to Preact would avoid maintaining a fragmented stack. (News)

Scaling Software Architecture via Conversations: the Advice Process

Andrew Harmel-Law recently published an article describing a decentralised, scalable software architecture process based on the "Advice Process". The Advice Process promotes software architecture by encouraging a series of conversations driven by an empowering, almost anarchistic, decision-making technique. It comprises one rule - anyone can make an architectural decision. (News)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. How AI Supports IT Operators to Resolve Issues Faster and Keep Systems Running

How the Financial Times Approaches Engineering Enablement

Companies need teams working on infrastructure, tooling, and platforms; the way they work has to change so that they do not become a bottleneck. These teams need to be about enabling product teams to deliver business value. Investment in this area pays off as it speeds up many other teams and allows product-team engineers to focus on solving business problems that provide value to the organisation. (Article)

Hybrid & Remote Work in 2022 and beyond

Moving into 2022, ways of working and interacting are continuing to evolve as organisations adapt to the ongoing changes brought about by a wide range of factors influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. Making remote work sustainable, flexible, hybrid, and asynchronous working, recognising the importance of employee experience, and supporting mental wellness are important trends in the future of work. (Article)


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State of Serverless Application Security Report

The InfoQ eMag - Service Mesh Ultimate Guide 2021

The InfoQ eMag - Modern Data Engineering: Pipeline, APIs, and Storage