The U. of Wisconsin’s presidential search gets complicated; controversy over deal for U. of North Carolina’s Silent Sam statue grows louder; and more
Academe Today

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María Hergueta, Special to ProPublica
By Annie Waldman and David Armstrong (ProPublica)

ProPublica has assembled the first state-by-state database of professors’ outside income and employment. But it’s far from complete.


Research into university researchers’ outside income and conflicts of interest with this unique database, which allows you to search records from multiple state universities and the National Institutes of Health.

Choosing the Next Leader
By Eric Kelderman

Leadership searches can be a moment for a university to come together around a shared vision for the future. But their increasingly tight management stirs anxiety and uncertainty. (PREMIUM)

Gerry Broome, AP Images
By Michael Vasquez

As the Sons of Confederate Veterans celebrate gaining ownership of the monument, many faculty and students are puzzling over why the university system’s governing board was so willing to make a deal. (PREMIUM)

By Vimal Patel

Last year, as the fate of the toppled Confederate monument hung in the balance at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a search for the statue prompted reflections on its future. (PREMIUM)

Campus Safety
By Katherine Mangan

University of Georgia investigators recommended that he be fired for violating anti-harassment policies, but the university accepted his resignation instead. (PREMIUM)

The Chronicle List

The total number of new tenure-track hires was up nearly 5 percent from the previous year at four-year public institutions. (PREMIUM)

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The Chronicle Review
By Mistress Snow

She rescinded her letters of recommendation. (PREMIUM)


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