Special Charter Offer—62% off regular Charter Membership in The Old Farmer’s Almanac Weather Club! Plus bonus online access!
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Celebrate the Wonders of the Weather with a Charter Membership in The Old Farmer’s Almanac Weather Club. Save 62% Today!

Special introductory offer for those who love tracking the weather in all its ever-changing forms—from the world’s #1 Almanac.
Dear Avid Weather Watcher,

There’s a fair wind blowing, and it’s bringing savings your way! Today you can claim a Charter Membership in The Old Farmer’s Almanac Weather Club at a 62% discount!

The Old Farmer’s Almanac Weather Club is a new and exciting club designed especially for enthusiastic weather watchers—so that you can keep track of the weather and enjoy a wealth of weather insights, tips, and trivia to share with family and friends! Join today as a Charter Member and save 62% off the regular membership price!

We’ve put together essential Old Farmer’s Almanac resources that are perfect for the weather watcher in all of us. Rain or shine, fair weather or foul, you’ll be prepared for any weather with a custom notebook, Almanac weather tips and trivia, and stunning weather photography to enjoy year-round!
Since 1792, The Old Farmer’s Almanac has been a traditional resource for dedicated farmers, avid and casual gardeners, folks who like to get a long view on upcoming weather trends, and people who love to collect little snippets of weather wit and wisdom that they can share with family and friends.
Claim Your Charter Membership Now!
Your Old Farmer’s Almanac Weather Club Charter Membership has privileges and benefits that are reserved exclusively for members like you:
Summary of Charter Membership Benefits
Your Price
Charter Membership in The Old Farmer's Almanac Weather Club
$65 $24.97 for full year
Weather Notebook: With room to record daily weather data for 4 years, you’ll have a personal record of your local weather and your own special events. This flex-bound calendar notebook is weatherproof, so you can take it outside with you when you take your weather readings! 
2020 Weather Watcher’s Wall Calendar: Dramatic photography, weather proverbs, and historical weather trivia will keep you informed and entertained. Sun, snow, wind, or rain, you’ll appreciate the spectacular photographs month after month.

The 2020 Old Farmer’s Almanac—Our newest edition, this softcover version has everything you’ve come to expect from the world’s premier Almanac—forecasts, folklore, and more.

The Old Farmer’s Almanac EXTRA! Our monthly digital magazine features articles and other content you won’t find in the print edition, so you’ll always be up-to-date on the latest Almanacky topics.

Complete access to our ever-growing EXTRA! digital library, with more than 40 issues!
Shipping and Handling
Please act now—become an Old Farmer’s Almanac Weather Club Charter Member today and save 62%!
Janice Stillman
Editor, The Old Farmer’s Almanac
P.S. Claim your Old Farmer’s Almanac Weather Club Membership today for $24.97 for a full year—that’s 62% off the regular price, and a real bargain!
Claim Your Charter Membership Now!
Special Charter Membership Offer for you—Introducing The Old Farmer’s Almanac Weather Club! 

Save 62% with your Weather Club Charter Membership!
Celebrate the wonders of the weather with the perfect tools from The Old Farmer's Almanac!
Yes! Sign me up now!
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