Media Winners & Losers

S.V. Date

During the years of President Donald Trump's first term, various media outlets have sought to chronicle his seemingly endless list of misrepresentations and false statements, as furious pace of the news cycle continuously found new outrages before the previous one had been fully examined. 

Huffington Post's S.V. Date had enough on Thursday, calling out an unquestionably blunt question that took Trump aback.

Trump had responded to his Democratic rival Joe Biden's selection of California Sen. Kamala Harris with a game he's played before: endorsing birtherism. Playing coy about the legal issues, Trump claimed he had "no idea" if it was correct but praised a recent Newsweek column insinuating that Harris' eligibility was in doubt.

“Three-and-a-half years, do you regret at all all the lying you’ve done to the American people?” Date pointedly asked Trump.

“All the what?” Trump asked.

“All the lying, all the dishonesty,” Date repeated.

“And who’s that?” Trump responded.

“You have done,” Date emphasized, before adding “tens of thousands of them.”

Ultimately, Trump was unable to offer anything more than a stunned "uhhhh."

"For five years I've been waiting to ask him that," Date tweeted after the press conference, expressing his long-awaited satisfaction at the moment of accountability.

Especially as the Trump campaign and their supporters continue to attack Biden and Harris with misrepresentations (see our Media Loser of the Day, Ari Fleischer, for a prime example), it's fair game for reporters to call out the president when he doesn't stick to the facts, like his renewed efforts to give oxygen to racist birther conspiracy theories.

Ari Fleischer

Ari Fleischer, the White House Press Secretary for former President George W. Bush, went from declaring himself a "Never-Trumper" to evolving into an ardent Trump supporter. He's made frequent appearances on Fox News to defend the president, making several questionable comments this week to attack the Biden-Harris Democratic ticket.

Fleischer's dismissal of Harris' selection -- the first Black and Asian-American woman to appear on a major party's ticket -- was laughable enough. "She’s just not that historically exciting to African-Americans," said Fleischer, failing to explain when exactly the African-American community appointed him, a white man, as their spokesperson.

Polling of actual Black people found a different answer. 

On Thursday, Biden and Harris announced their support for a national mask policy, urging Americans to "be a patriot, protect your fellow citizens."

And Fleischer was quick to respond with a totally ridiculous response, suggesting that what the Democrats were proposing would require him to wear a mask even alone in his own home -- a mandate that no nation on earth currently has.

We don't believe that Fleischer is an idiot, and at no point did either Biden or Harris suggest that Americans should be required to wear masks in their own homes, so his misrepresentation here should be construed as deliberate. This was an effort to mislead Fox viewers about the actual scope of the policy to scare them into maintaining their loyalty to Trump. 

"The socialists are coming! The socialists are coming!" has been the rallying cry on the right, and it's just plain exhausting at this point. There are valid questions about the legal authority for a national mask mandate and how it might be enforced, but lying about the policy doesn't advance that debate. 

A dis-honorable mention to Fox News host Dana Perino, herself another former Bush press secretary, who let Fleischer's charade pass unchallenged.

The A-Block

Yet another book Trump won't like

Michael Cohen was Trump's personal attorney for years, an attack dog with a license to practice law, going after anyone who jeopardized Trump's rise to power, and negotiating hush payments or issuing threats as the situation warranted. 

Now persona non grata in Trump world after testifying before Congress, Cohen is preparing to drop a tell-all book lifting the veil to reveal the dirty deeds he performed for his longtime client. He launched a website offering pre-orders of the book, and posted the complete foreword available for download, full of scandalous accusations. 

There's financial fraud, backdoor communications with the Russians, and, oh yeah, a reference to some hanky-panky at a Vegas sex club. Read the sordid details here.

Kamala plays it cool

Trump's antics don't seem to bother Harris, who brushed off his attacks on her eligibility with a smile on Thursday when she met up with Biden to sign the documents to get their names officially on ballots.

Not too shabby

Another reason for Harris to smile: Biden's announcement that she was joining the Democratic ticket brought a financial windfall to the campaign, raising $48 million dollars in the first 48 hours after the news broke. 

Well, duh

To no one's surprise, the National Association of Letter Carriers, the national postal workers' union, has endorsed Biden for president.

The endorsement comes after restrictive cuts imposed by Trump's appointed postmaster general, that drastically reduced available overtime hours and resulted in increasing delays in mail delivery -- plus Trump's own public statements attacking the Post Office and promoting incorrect information about the risk of fraud from mail-in ballots. The president went so far as to admit in a recent interview that he was deliberately opposing increasing funding for the Post Office in order to make it harder for voting by mail to be expanded. 

“The Postal Service must not be allowed to fail,” the union wrote in their endorsement.

Stupid is as stupid does

One of the dumber developments of the Trump presidency is the growth of the "QAnon" conspiracy theory, which claims that Trump is battling a global network of Democrats and powerful wealthy people who worship Satan and engage in widespread child sex trafficking and sacrifice. It's dumb, it's insane, and it's fake, but it's also led some of its most impassioned adherents to commit actual violent crimes. 

Several Trump supporters who promote QAnon are running for office this year, and one of them just one the Republican primary in a deep, deep red Georgia congressional district. Trump, no doubt flattered by her vocal praise for him, tweeted his congratulations

When questioned by a reporter, Trump doubled down in his praise and refused to denounce QAnon. 

This truly is the dumbest timeline.

Don is done with this nonsense

CNN's Don Lemon was exasperated to find birtherism popping back up again in 2020, ripping Trump's promotion of the birther attacks on Harris on his show Thursday evening

“Every single day, another lie, another conspiracy theory, another racist dog whistle,” Lemon said. “Every day. It’s like the Groundhog’s Day for alternative realities. It is clear that this president will stop at nothing to win re-election, using everything at his disposal to achieve his goal.”

Trump boosts Fox

Trump's daily White House press conference helped boost Fox News' Special Report with Bret Baier to a huge ratings win, making it the most-watched program outside of primetime on Wednesday in the coveted 25 – 54 age demographic. Fox also easily won primetime, with Tucker Carlson's eponymous program leading the day in cable news and ranking second in all of TV. 

Read all about it at Mediaite+, our premium subscription service with ad-free browsing and exclusive content you won't find anywhere else.

Who's the racist?

MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch went on a rant where he accused a third of Americans of being racist. A bit of hyperbole, sure, but not so remarkable for cable news that gets ratings from being provocative.

The problem is that Deutsch used the term "yellow man" in his rant. He apologized on Friday

Killing comedy!

Blazing Saddles is an absolutely bonkers, side-splitting hysterical comedy, that probably could never be made today. HBO is still streaming the 1974 Mel Brooks classic but has added a disclaimer that airs before the film, similar to their treatment of Gone With The Wind.

Ben Shapiro was not amused by the disclaimer, accusing HBO of "killing comedy." Sigh, ok. What's the better solution here? To have the movie pulled down all together, or allow it to be shown in full, but with an introductory message that puts its comedy in the context of the era? Is that really the end of the world? 

We all need more laughter right now, but the current political climate is putting very real pressure on media and entertainment companies. If this is a compromise that allows the powers-that-be at HBO to feel comfortable continuing to allow a new generation to discover this crazy little movie, then so be it.

Must See Clips

Some people should just stay off Facebook

Luray, Virginia Mayor Barry Presgraves (R) had one of the dumbest reactions to Biden's selection of Harris as his running mate this week, posting on his Facebook page that Biden had "just announced Aunt Jemima as his VP pick."

Aunt Jemima? Really? Really?

Even Quaker Foods -- the company that has made millions of dollars selling products with the character's smiling face on them -- is moving away from labelling anything Aunt Jemima, announcing a "rebranding" to move away from the moniker's racist past, and that's just breakfast food.

To refer to a Black female candidate as "Aunt Jemima" is beyond insulting, an obvious attempt to belittle Harris' accomplishments. 

Presgraves issued an apology and got a serious dressing down at the town's next council meeting, facing angry outcry from his constituents and calls for his resignation. And we've got video clips of the best parts.

Links We Like

The Constitutionality of a Federal Mask Mandate
- The Volokh Conspiracy, via Reason
What Really Scares Voting Experts About the Postal Service
- via The Atlantic
The ‘Natural-Born Citizen’ Debate Needs to End
- Jim Geraghty , via The Morning Jolt
The ice cream truck song has a racist past. So Wu-Tang Clan’s RZA wrote a new one
- via LA TImes
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