Hi John,

Happy Fourth of July to our American friends, Happy Canada Day this week to our Canadian colleagues, and a warm hello to everyone.

In this tough time, when so much news is bleak, we hope you will enjoy some time off to recharge and nurture your positive mindset. Remember that every one of us can be a force for the good, in our own way.

The stance you take every day for peacefulness, optimism and hope can serve as a beacon for everyone. You can lift others up with a constructive, upbeat outlook.

You know that Kathryn and I constantly strive to give you a positive, can-do attitude.

That's our mission - to encourage you and your team to go out there with an upbeat message about your organization's work. We show you how to turn your Asks into exciting Opportunities. We train you in Skillful Conversations that make major donors feel happy to help.

We hope you take this weekend to appreciate the good that you bring into the world. Fundraisers are often not thanked or acknowledged for their contributions. We know how hard you work and how much you care.

Thank you for all that you do. It's our honor to serve you and your cause.



PS: Come join our Raise Major Gifts in Virtual Times course that starts Tuesday. You'll be learning new skills, shaping new strategies and deepening your confidence to raise major gifts in this new virtual environment.

One registration allows up to 5 people from your organization to join. Course registrations close on Monday.

You might like this sample of our content for Module 4: Close Major Gifts With Confidence:

  • The Oblique Ask. How to sidestep your way to an ask, and not surprise your donor. The art of framing the ask into a suggestion. Planting the seed idea of a gift. Testing a gift amount.
  • Advanced Solicitation Strategies for Virtual Conversations. Steps to the ask. Analyzing the ask. Scenario planning the ask. Questions that put the ask on the table.
  • Permission-Based Asking. How to put the donor in charge of the gift discussion. How to make the donor excited about the gift and its possibilities.

Register now, the course closes on Monday!

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1340 Environ Way Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27517 United States (919) 821-3050