Fear always goes away, John, once two things are realized:

First, you're a spiritual being.

Second, nothing can ever be lost or taken from a spiritual being that cannot be recreated; not pride, money, or love.


  The Universe

Deep down, John, I’ve always wondered about living with “Christ Consciousness” a.k.a. enlightenment or self-realization. Is it real? Is it attainable? Can I achieve it? Living 24/7 with deep peace and acceptance? Healing? Revitalizing? Performing indisputable miracles? And loving myself and others with such intensity that I’m on the verge of happy tears all day long?

I’ve come to find, through readings and my own clairsentience, that this is possible for all of us. It’s even inevitable in the course of our ultimate evolution. And I’ve learned that others, on this planet and from civilizations belonging to others, have done this and are reaching out to us during these extraordinary times to help us find our way.

Enlightenment is the path we’re all on,” says Sasha, channeled by Lyssa Royal Holt. And its attainment is achieved through inner-mastery; a mastery of self. Releasing emotional blocks, clearing limited beliefs, and doing the “inner work” — all within our grasp, and best achieved with a glad and grateful heart. She’s called this inner work, “the undoing.”

I’m hot on the path, and I invite you to join us. We begin TOMORROW!

P.S. We don’t promise miracles, but we do offer a 100% money-back guarantee.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to ©www.tut.com 

P.S. Bet they'd love to have you in the CIA, John.


The UNdoing starts TOMORROW! 🌀

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