John, while someone might choose to face lack, disease, and adversity in their life, it would never be their "destiny."

These are just your own strategically placed hurdles that will sooner teach you to fly.

Fly little bird,

  The Universe

John, Maya is a Sanskrit word that speaks of the magical power that makes the illusions of time and space seem real. Eastern philosophies teach that this hypnotic spell keeps us from seeing what’s real, knowing the truth, and feeling more love. “Awakening” is our journey between them, undoing the spell; the evolution of consciousness.

If that sounds a bit dry, the upside is not — unimaginable joy, fulfillment, peace, and love.

More simply, John: Are you ready for happily-ever-after?!

This will be profound — The UNdoing starts in 4 days!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

P.S. John, you were born to soar.

“Enlightenment is not something you do — it’s an UNdoing.” 🌀

Join me and Lyssa Royal Holt for The UNdoing — starts April 25!

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