John, when you can say, without doubt or equivocation, that "My life today is entirely the result of my prior decisions, focus, and understandings," I can then say, without doubt or equivocation, that “It's only a matter of time before your every cup is overflowing.”

Ain't life grand?

  The Universe

John, if the topics of awakening, self-realization,and enlightenment fascinate you as much as they do me... then you’re in for a treat!

What: 4 LIVE channeled broadcasts

When: Tuesday, April 25 – Tuesday, May 16

Who: Me & Lyssa Royal Holt who channels Sasha (the Pleiadian consciousness)

THE UNdoing starts in 5 days — You can choose what to pay!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

P.S. It's simply unavoidable, John.

“Enlightenment is not something you do — it’s an UNdoing.” 🌀

Join me and Lyssa Royal Holt for The UNdoing — starts April 25!

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