Shiver me timbers, John!!! For just a moment there I thought that time was real, that space was deep, and that manipulating circumstances and messing with the "hows" was the way to manifest life changes!

Talk about insanity! Chaos! Doom!

Whatever you do, John, on this spookiest day of the year and beyond, don't let this happen to you.

Think, think, and let go -

  The Universe

John, if our thoughts become things, have you ever wondered why more people don’t visualize?

I have been visualizing for 40 years and to say that “it works” would be a profound understatement.

It has changed EVERYTHING in my life. 🌟

Here’s how to create a powerful 4-minute visualization practice…

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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John, it was just a metaphor.

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