Through you, through you, through you, John... The magic works through you. Not beside you. Not around you. Not for you. Not despite you. But through you. You have to go there. You have to choose your stage. You have to do your dance. Putting yourself in place, to any degree that you can, even if it scares you, even when it's "hard," even if it's just your big toe. Stretch yourself, scoff at the odds, get the ball rolling so that the magic can then come alive and sweep you off your feet with its infinite grace and glory. You wouldn't just carry around the seeds for the garden of your dreams in your pocket, all the while asking where your flowers were? Nope, you'd have to brave the elements, you'd have to choose the location, and then you'd have to go there. Your life is your wand (or hoe), The Universe | |
Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ® © ® | |
Oh, John, it is one heck of a party to those so initiated, but every single one of them (long dramatic pause) had to invite themselves, and use their own motor skills to arrive. And the dip is out of this world. | | |
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