The more you lean on me, John, the stronger we become.

The stronger we become, the bigger we dream, the higher we fly, and the bluer the sky.

Lean on me,

  The Universe

John, if you’re a writer, teacher, coach, or deep thinker, and you’ve always wanted to help others… this is how:

10 years ago, we rolled out our Infinite Possibilities Certification Program, and it’s the most successful thing we’ve ever done.

There are now 3,000 Certified Trainers on my team who are "reaching those who haven’t been reached" with the truth about life's magic and our power. We have trainers working with children and teens, women's shelters, people in prisons, the homeless, those in addiction recovery, and in halfway houses. We also have trainers making a living by leading workshops, retreats, and speaking to corporate audiences.

My next live training is April 18–21 and it’s $200 OFF if you register by Friday!

“I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship…” 💗


Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to © 

P.S. The more you lean on me, John, the stronger we become.

Let's work together to inspire and empower others!

Attend my LIVE Certification Training — $200 OFF until March 1.

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