During our AFCC3 shoot, we decided that rather than instructing you and your partner through the workouts, we would ACTUALLY do them right along with you! One of our things is to always lead by example, and we will always be real with you. There is nothing you will be doing here that we won’t do right alongside you, working, sweating and getting stronger and fitter together.
The filming was INSANE because we committed to producing every single workout from our 60-day challenge in REAL TIME. In other words, if we programmed a 30-minute workout for you to do, we did that same workout on set, sweating, laughing and getting fit with one another.
The America’s Fittest Couple Challenge 3 will push you to new heights and deliver the absolute best of what we know. Our hybrid programming will get you into the best shape of your life, no matter what level of fitness you are. We are also sharing our personal nutritional counselor Alexa Uherek with you, and she has designed an incredible his and hers nutrition plan complete with tons of incredible recipes, macronutrient and calorie breakdowns, and a grocery list and meal plan for each week of AFCC3.
And although this is a “couples” challenge, your partner need not be a significant other. Your partner can be anyone who will bring out the best in you, hold you accountable, pick you up on your down days and challenge you to do your absolute best. This might be your mother, your son, your co-worker or your bestie — whomever is your cheerleader!
We are busting our butts to take Oxygen’s America’s Fittest Couple Challenge to another level.
Join us for AFCC3 now, and beginning October 15, 2018, you’ll set sail on this life-changing journey with real time, real sweat and real struggles! We are #PumpedAF to bring you these 60 days of self-improvement, helping you shed fat, build lean muscle, and improve overall mental and physical strength.