Here on Charlotte on the Cheap, I usually write about free and cheap things to do. During normal times, I write about concerts, festivals, sports events, and kids' activities. These days I'm writing about virtual events, things to do at home,... Read the whole entry...» Earth Day is coming up, and this year marks the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day. Unfortunately, in-person Earth Day celebrations aren't taking place this year, but TreesCharlotte has come up with a great way to give back to the earth... Read the whole entry...» GalaxyCon is a festival of fandom that features over 300 hours of programming. During this time at home, GalaxyCon is bringing the stars to you with GalaxyCon Live. The sessions are taking place Monday through Saturday, April 13th to 18th, at 7... Read the whole entry...» Many concerts and other events have been canceled. Our calendar (and free events lists) here at Charlotte on the Cheap are sort of like ghost towns. We've put up “canceled” signs on many events, but even the ones that aren't... Read the whole entry...» Carnegie Hall is presenting a free series, Live with Carnegie Hall. This series will feature some of the world's finest artists as they share behind-the-scenes stories, excerpts from past performances, and live musical moments. The episodes can... Read the whole entry...» Healthcare workers, police officers, firefighters and teachers in the Mooresville area, Aliño Pizzeria wants to thank you, with a free pizza! On Thursday, April 16th, 2020, from 12 pm. to 7:30 p.m., show your workplace ID and get one free takeout... Read the whole entry...» The Metropolitan Opera has closed, but it's offering nightly streams of encore presentations from its Live in HD series. The streams will begin on Monday, March 16th, 2020. Each will begin at 7:30 p.m. on the date listed below, and will... Read the whole entry...» Most kids will be home from school for several weeks, as we try to slow the spread. Children's book authors are rising to the occasion, presenting free online story times, where they read their books out loud. This is a unique opportunity for... Read the whole entry...» If you've already made quick work of the Netflix catalogue, and you'd like to do something a little bit different during your time at home, how about painting? Even if you don't have any artistic talent that you know of, there is... Read the whole entry...» We need to protect vulnerable people in our community, especially seniors. To make grocery shopping safer, some stores have started setting aside an hour just for seniors or other at-risk people to shop. Hours differ, so please call your local... Read the whole entry...» There are more FREE streaming services out there than you would imagine! Here's a primer on where you can stream movies and TV shows for free. These are all legal sites, with no bootleg content or copyright violations. Yes, they come with a catch... Read the whole entry...» |