TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 6, 2016

How Massachusetts Became Ground-Zero for Corporate Education Privatization

By Chris Faraone, AlterNet

With a statewide referendum looming in November, Massachusetts voters will have to decide just how much school privatization they're willing to bear. READ MORE»

The 8 Most Unhinged Right-Wing Reactions to the FBI’s Clinton Email Announcement

By Elizabeth Preza, AlterNet

Sarah Palin and various Fox Newsians are really not happy. READ MORE»

6 Public Treasures Billionaires Just Had to Plaster Their Names On

By Larry Schwartz, AlterNet

Gone are the days of anonymous philanthropy.  READ MORE»

It Is Time to Notice That Horrible Mass Bombings Are Targeting Muslims

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

The attack on Prophet Muhammad's Mosque makes it abundantly clear that Muslim people and institutions are primary targets.  READ MORE»

Dear More Privileged Co-Workers, Please Stop Commodifying My Working Class Life

By Brook Bolen, Salon

The linguistic fetishization of hardship is one more way we appropriate from—and erase—people like my family READ MORE»

Philip K. Dick's Divine, Amphetamine-Fueled Madness

By Kyle Arnold, Oxford University Press

Philip K. Dick not only wrote stories about androids, but sometimes was afraid he literally was one. READ MORE»

Can We Predict Who Will Become Mass Shooters?

By Clare Allely, The Conversation

There are inherent challenges in trying to identify people who are at high risk of committing an extremely violent act. READ MORE»

Finally! It's Prop 64 and the Time Has Come for California to Legalize Pot

By Joy Haviland, AlterNet

Freeing the weed is on the ballot in the Golden State, and now the initiative has a number: Prop 64. READ MORE»

President Obama's Role in Hillary Clinton's Campaign Is Historic—But Not For the Reason You Might Think

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

President Obama hit the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton for the first time in Charlotte, North Carolina today.  READ MORE»

Billionaire Trump Tries to Claim He Is a Steel Worker in the Rust Belt

By Leo Gerard, AlterNet

This is the guy who describes a million-dollar loan from his daddy as “small." READ MORE»

WATCH: Bill Nye Answers the Looming Question About Juno

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Here is what powers NASA's Juno spacecraft. READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Matt Bors on Trump's Neo-Nazi Tweets

By Matt Bors, AlterNet

Any resemblance to Hitler's favorite symbols are "just a wacky coincidence."  READ MORE»

Philippines: Dozens Killed in First Four Days of "Death Squad" Duterte's Drug War

By Ted Regencia, Al Jazeera

He earned his nickname as the vigilante-loving mayor of Davao City. Now, Rodrigo Duterte encourages citizens to kill drug dealers themselves.  READ MORE»

Worst Boss Ever Didn't Let a Woman Attend Her Own Graduation—and Was Shocked When She Quit

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

This is not how you treat your best employee. READ MORE»

Groundbreaking Study Shows Cannabis Can Counter Alzheimer's Disease

The Free Thought Project

Medical cannabis shows some promising results, according to the Salk Institute. READ MORE»

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