Happy Friday!
In my 25+ years as a personal trainer and business coach…
I’ve talked to a lot of successful people in their 60’s and 70’s…
And years after they’ve made their millions, they are still often left with regrets.
I made this list while doing a little reflection last week.
I encourage you to review this over the weekend and take some time to plan the rest of the year — and the rest of your business life — making sure to make time to avoid these regrets… while still achieving maximum profits.
Both are possible!
Here’s the 7 things entrepreneurs regret the most: 1. Not saying "I Love You" more often to the people that mattered
2. Not making more time for people & activities they loved
3. Not doing what was right for their best life instead of going along with the crowd
4. Being too quick to anger and unable to hold in those harsh words that were said
5. Not saying sorry and moving on from petty grievances
6. Working too much inside and not spending more time in nature without electronics
7. Not having been kinder to themselves – after all, you should be your #1 fan! It's not too late to start...
Making the Right Decisions for your Right Life – and a life with fewer regrets.
Once you know what matters...
Once you know what you really want... Then you just need to build a plan to get it...
And you’ll have a roadmap for sticking to your North Star…
While avoiding dangerous, destructive, and distracting detours.
Because if there's one thing I've discovered after coaching thousands of busy entrepreneurs...
It's that at the end of your life - as you sit in that AI powered rocking chair...
You'll realize that all that really mattered...
Was NOT the money or stuff you've accumulated...
But the people you spent your time with and the experiences you had.
This is your one and only life here on Earth.
Choose your life wisely,