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May 2, 2024
7 Steps to Better Post-Herbicide Weed Control In Soybeans
Iowa State University Extension research shows weeds not controlled after the V2 growth stage can reduce yields by up to 1% per day. Uncontrolled weeds can also contribute to harvest difficulties and weed seed banks.
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Be diligent to keep pesky and invasive weeds out of your field boundaries. Otherwise, those weeds can produce seed and drift to additional acres in future years.

Trouble In Turn Rows: Prevent Weeds From Flourishing In Headlands

In a year with razor-thin margins, at best, corn and soybean growers can use a variety of new technology and tried-and-true agronomic tools to score higher yields.

Take Your Crop Scouting Practices to the Next Level

From lubricating booms to cleaning and replacing spray tips, ace mechanic Dan Anderson emphasizes the importance of prioritizing upkeep during the season.

Sprayer Tricks to Keep Your Rig Rolling
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