In response to the most common challenges we writers face, here are a couple of techniques to help you can use to stay the course and keep writing. Read More... |
Spalding University offers a Top Ten low-residency MFA program. Offering 6 areas of concentration. Application deadline: August 1. Flexible scheduling, cross-genre study, travel abroad. [email protected].
Fearless Writing author William Kenower shares how he's learned to conquer his distaste for the query letter by remembering his love for what he's querying for. Read More... |
Debut author Diksha Basu shares her story of how asking for a little guidance helped her land a literary agent, and how choosing the agent she knew would push her the most has helped her career. Read More... |
Kristin Lenz shares the potential power of participating in contests far and wide, including how it landed her a book deal and helped some of her colleagues. Read More... |
Writer's Digest University is pleased to present an exclusive online event for mystery & thriller writers! On August 5th and 6th, our 3rd Annual Mystery & Thriller Online Writing Conference will provide expert insights from SIX award-winning and best-selling authors on the finer points of how to write within the mystery and thriller genres. Spend the weekend learning techniques for honing your craft from seven different published authors*, then (if you choose) pitch your novel via query letter to a literary agent specifically looking for material in the mystery or thriller genre. The agent will provide you with a personalized critique of your query - and maybe ask to see more. Read More... |
Want to get paid to write? Whether you're hoping to moonlight as a freelance writer ... work full-time as a writer ... or just want to make a little money on the side ... you'll learn about five writing projects that pay at least $1,000 (most pay much more!) and can be completed in a weekend. Join Rebecca Matter and Katie Yeakle - who have trained hundreds of writers how to make a great living writing - for this FREE webinar and learn what the writing opportunities are, what the projects entail, how much you can expect to make for each one, how to land them, and much more. Read More... |