Plus, discover insights from the director of Carrie Fisher's Grammy-winning audiobook.
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Writer's Digest
5 Tips on World-Building Through Collaboration
The idea of collaboration often evokes a certain starry-eyed fascination for writers. The opportunity to work with someone else, to not feel alone in the creation process, the promise of camaraderie, fun, maybe an inside joke or two, and of course, the sense that you're doing something together, with shared purpose -- all of it is a rare and heady feeling for a writer. That said, there are pitfalls. With that in mind, here are five tips for world-building collaboratively and successfully.   Read More...
4 Ways Writing Is Like Running
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If you're one of the millions of individuals who want to write a book "someday," you may be struggling to turn that someday into today. Similarly, running might be that "impossible" thing and now I consider myself a runner. Here are 4 things writers can learn from running.   Read More...
Its never been easier to make a living as a writer ...

These days, there are SO MANY great ways to get paid to write.

This FREE report details 9 of the best paying writing projects today ...

You'll learn exactly what these projects are ... where they're found ... how much money you can expect to make ... and how you can get started right away.

Download the free report today, and get the inside scoop.
Life in the Movie Industry: How to Sell a Pitch in 10 Years
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While working the front desk at Miramax, Dave Pullano created the fictional exec, Jay Flannick, to field unwanted and overly persistent pitches. Ironically enough, through a series of adventures, Pullano found himself in Hong Kong, sitting on an old mattress ... and pitching his own script to Jackie Chan.   Read More...

Join the April Poem-A-Day Challenge!
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All this month, Robert Lee Brewer is leading the April PAD Challenge. PAD stands for Poem-A-Day, so this is a challenge in which poets write a poem each day of April. Usually, he'll post a prompt in the morning (Atlanta, Georgia, time), and poets will write a poem in response. Some poets share those poems on the blog in the comments; others keep their words to themselves. No one's keeping score (unless you want to!), so join in any time.    Check out today's prompt.
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The Making of a Grammy-Winning Audiobook: Directing Carrie Fisher's The Princess Diarist
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There is no one recipe for a winning audiobook, but here Jessica Kaye shares the ingredients which helped make The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher the 2018 winner of the Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word.   Read More...
The Writer's Digest Podcast, Episode 3: Writing and Publishing Short Stories and Essays Interview with Windy Lynn Harris
In this episode of the Writer's Digest Podcast, Gabriela Pereira talks with Windy Lynn Harris about writing and publishing short stories, personal essays and nonfiction articles.   Read More...
Your Weekly Writing Prompt
Blahbarian: Write a scene that includes a character speaking a different language, speaking in a thick accent, or otherwise speaking in a way that is unintelligibe to the other characters.
Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments here ...
Jess Zafarris
Jess Zafarris
Follow @jfarrisknight
Jess Zafarris is an energetic multimedia journalist with more than 7 years of experience writing and editing, and the online content director of Writer’s Digest.
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