Do-it-yourself vs. Doing it right A highly-engaged workforce drives results and employee engagement programs are key to success. But most companies still lack on-the-ground programs for employee engagement and alignment. Learn how to leverage time and resources with a social recognition program in the whitepaper "Do-it-yourself vs. Doing it right".
Recruiting & Retention
Trump order aims to boost apprenticeship programs President Donald Trump is directing the Labor secretary to set broad standards for apprenticeship programs and encourage businesses to create them. Under the new executive order, agencies will also review job training programs and make recommendations. CBS News/The Associated Press (6/15)
Companies use technology to drive wellness initiatives Global Intermix gave employees Fitbit trackers as a holiday gift and then created monthly competitions for increasing sleep and activity. Zeus Legal Funding offers employees the MoodGYM program to boost mental health, and Intuit combines technology-driven health data with wellness coaches who interpret it and help employees make choices to improve their well-being. Entrepreneur online (6/15)
Employers must proactively safeguard the workplace, training consultant Lynne Curry writes. Curry offers four steps for employers to better protect workers, including checking backgrounds to ensure candidates have no history of bullying, threatening of co-workers or poor temper control. Alaska Dispatch News (Anchorage) (6/13)
Workplace Chatter
It's OK to be selfish in the morning Professionals who help others in the morning can become mentally fatigued and exhibit selfish tendencies in the afternoon, says Russell Johnson, a researcher at Michigan State University. If you absolutely need to help a co-worker, disengage from work for a bit afterward, Johnson suggests. Fast Company online (6/14)
Any clod can have the facts, but having opinions is an art.