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Thanks to NewsMatch, our year-end campaign just got even better. They have increased our cap to $15,000, which means with your help we can earn up to $45,000 to support essential, frontline journalism.
In a Star Trek Next Generation episode, an alien life form refers to humans as "ugly bags of mostly water." As humans become dehydrated, they lose cognition. Graphic by Zara Gounden

Dear John —

We know that you have water on your mind.

Statistically, your brain is roughly 80% water, so it knows that water is important.

If you have not been consciously thinking about water, it is possible that you are slightly dehydrated. Some learned people postulate that even mild dehydration (a body water loss of 1-2%) can impair cognitive function. This type of loss “could occur through routine daily activities." 

In this case, please pause for a moment to hydrate.

Now that your brain is properly recharged, it can make better decisions about the future of humanity, yourself included. We live in a world beset by thirst, and in need of all the cognition it can get.

That’s why Circle of Blue is dedicated to informing the decisions that will set the course for water now and for generations to come.

That’s why we need you. Your support makes our award-winning non-profit long-term independent journalism worth the hyphens and the hype.

Your commitment, with ours, makes the difference between settling for headlines or being on the frontlines. Right now, your donation to Circle of Blue has three times the impact thanks to the NewsMatch challenge.

Thank you and keep that water bottle close!

Yes, I support Circle of Blue!

NewsMatch: How to triple your impact

NewsMatch, the consortium of foundations that supports exceptional nonprofit news, has selected Circle of Blue to receive a special triple bonus for your contribution.

From now until December 31st, join us in making this urgent work possible. NewsMatch will triple your new monthly donation 12 times or triple your one-time gift, up to $1,000. And there are bonuses for first-time contributions, too.

That means each dollar you give brings us $3. When you donate $50, Circle of Blue receives $150, a $1,000 gift equals $3,000!*

Here's how to contribute.

Many employers offer additional matching opportunities through Benevity and other platforms.

* We have other exciting matching opportunities for gifts of more than $1,000.
Learn more
Circle of Blue is a member of the Institute for Nonprofit News (INN) network of 425 independent, nonpartisan news organizations providing high quality journalism as a public service. INN hosts the NewsMatch campaign.
Circle of Blue is a contributing member of the Covering Climate Now network of news organizations, reaching 57 countries and collectively 2 billion readers.
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