To kick off another new week…
And help you push to finish Q1 strong…
I want to share some very wise, yet simple advice from Coach Daniel Woodrum:
Just. Win. Today.
By Daniel Woodrum
One thing that I've always focused on is just winning today.
- Win your workout today - Win your meeting today - Win your "to-do" list today - Win your internal battles today
The best way to overcome anxiety and stress is ACTION.
The problem is most people feel crippled with anxiety because they are looking days, weeks, months, and even years ahead.
But when you look at just winning each day you regain control.
And control leads to less stress, less anxiety, and more empowerment.
- Are you hitting the wall with a project? Just win today
- Have you hit a plateau with your health? Just win today
- Are you repairing a relationship? Just win today
- Are you battling an illness? Just win today
Like Craig, I've been beaten up and broken down many times in my career.
Broke financially Broke mentally Broke physically Broke spiritually
But each time I felt broken, I just focused on controlling my wins TODAY.
And that's how I kept going and ultimately smashed through every obstacle.
Just. Win. Today.
That's all that matters.
Very wise indeed, Daniel, thank you!
I couldn’t have said it any better.
When you simply focus on winning each day…
And just follow your plan…
Your stress level will drop…
And your performance and followthrough will almost always shoot way up.
I encourage you to apply this line of thinking as you tackle this week and moving forward.
Let me know how it goes!
Success Loves Speed,
PS - If you’re ready to 2X your income (or more) while working 10 less hours per week...
... Just REPLY to this email with the words “2X 10 LESS” and we'll set up a time to chat with you to find out if we can help.