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As we near mid-June, there are market keys developing that could present opportunities for savvy marketers. Here are 3 of the keys we're watching and will be alerting Pro Farmer subscribers when fleeting profit opportunities present themselves.
  1. On Monday, USDA's initial corn crop ratings showed 75% of the corn crop as "good" to "excellent," a rating higher than what many analysts and farmers alike expected. We'll continue to share weekly updates and comments on corn and soybean ratings.
  2. How many acres switched? We'll provide feedback of what we're hearing leading up to June's acreage report, then share our instant analysis and market reactions after the report.
  3. What will Crop Tour reveal? This annual August ritual will again provide the most widespread "in-field" look at this year's crops, and our readers will get exclusive observations, reports and historical comparisons not shared with the general public.
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