January 20, 2020
Dear Valued Reader,

A quickie for you on this holiday, as we answer some questions about a "treasure trove" that Dr. Stephen Leeb says can be found "48 miles north of the arctic circle" ... and, of course, that it can turn your $10,000 into $312,000.  We do love a treasure hunt, so what's this tiny $2 company being teased?  Just click below to...

We're on the verge of a massive change in technology. And you have the chance to get in at the start.

Recently, one of Silicon Valley's most successful angel investors, Jeff Brown, made history. To a live audience, he revealed the technology behind a device worth a potential $100 billion. One of those companies will have a virtual monopoly on the device Jeff revealed. And is Jeff's number one tech stock for 2020.

But you need to move fast, or you'll miss the big move up. Click here to watch Jeff's presentation on The Number One Tech Stock for 2020.



Miss anything last week?

We started with a look at Paul Mampilly's "South Carolina Disruptor", a tease about what he says will be his "#1 Stock for 2020" ... so what's the stock, and is it interesting?  My story is here.

Dave Forest's "War for 5G" caught the attention of a lot of readers... he thinks these little-known stocks will se 60X gains as the battle for technology resources heats up, so what's the story?  Thinkolator results are just a click away.

From there it was on to Ray Blanco and his "Stock of the Decade" -- he says thais is the one stock to own for a $15.7 trillion revolution... click here for our take.

And Doc Gumshoe popped by to share his thoughts again, this time on heart disease -- is the real culprit cholesterol, or inflammation?  Something else?  Click here for Michael's latest.

We also re-checked the tease about a 5G "linchpin device" and the $7 tech stock that will be the next tech giant... sound familiar?  Our updated story is here.

And I closed things out with our first Friday File of 2020, this time solving a teaser pitch for you (you'll see why in a minute) and also providing some other updates about the real money portfolio... including one REIT I'm selling and another that I'm buying.  Just click below for the details...

Stock Gumshoe | [email protected] | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
Disclaimer: Nothing in this email or in the linked articles should be considered to be individual investment advice -- we can't tell you what you should do with your money, we can just share our opinions and perspective. Our authors try to use reliable information sources but also make mistakes of both fact and judgement on occasion, so all assertions should be checked and confirmed. You should speak with your financial advisor and understand everything fully before committing money to any investment.

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