Good morning,
MarketBeat keeps track of tens of thousands of analyst recommendations every year, from no-name bloggers on Seeking Alpha all the way up to Goldman Sachs' top equities analysts.
We're always asking ourselves,
"What more can we do with the stock recommendation data we have to help our subscribers?"So, over the weekend, I took a fresh look at our analyst ratings data. We have ratings from more than 2,500 different analysts at more than 500 different research firms. We've tracked over 100,000 "buy" and "sell recommendations in the last year for more than 7,000 different companies that have received analyst coverage around the globe.
I ran the numbers to see which companies have gotten
the highest average rating among Wall Street's top-rated analysts and compiled them in a free report that is available today. In the report, you'll get the list of companies that have gotten the highest average rating among analysts within the last several months, plus you can view each company's full rating history so you can dig into the details and do your own analysis.
I'm calling it the "Most Loved Companies" report and you can get a free copy by clicking the link below.
Get Your Free Copy of MarketBeat's “Most Loved Companies Report” Here I hope you’ll get a trading idea or two out of this report.
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Today's Bonus Content: Bill Gatesâ is about to mint millionaires (again) with Stargate.