Any magnification of a number enhances the number exponentially. 11:11 manifests dynamic, radical new beginnings in some area of your life. You are crossing a threshold of no return. Imagine coming to the edge of a river at the cusp of a thunderous waterfall… and being asked to spread your wings… Imagine navigating a close relationship or career decision with renewed joy and profound sensitivity… 2:2 opens your heart to embrace harmony, love, intimacy, caring and kindness. You see and hear things you missed before as you surrender to Light and Love. 11:11 and 2:2 merged with Mercury stationing direct in Scorpio gives you the sacred space to consciously welcome a profound, personal inner transformation before the onset of a new decade. You are seeing with new eyes, hearing more acutely, touching others with gentle sensitivity. Your extra-sensory perception and intuition are through the roof… Your capacity to empathize stretches beyond horizons… Your willingness to let go and flow is exhilarating. You know that life is meant to be lived at this high level of liberation and love ALL the time. When you walk through the 11:11 portal you instantly intuit positive, high vibrational opportunities - and just as importantly, those that are not worth pursuing. Mercury stationing at 11° is a giant opportunity for growth, abundance and bliss. After Wednesday Mercury flows forward through Scorpio and Sagittarius before joining Pluto, Saturn and the Sun for the incredibly life-changing stellium in Capricorn on January 12.
And you’ll definitely want to know the most fortunate Prosperity Portal Days activated in 2020! 2020 is the year of manifestation and perfect vision. It is the first year of the 2020’s – the decade mirroring the 2000's! 2020 lifts off with a “once-in-500-year” Stellium in Capricorn, and you’ll be stunned at how this amazing celestial event will impact your whole life. That’s where the 2020 Ultimate Yearly Forecast event comes in. In this special livestream event you'll receive powerful tools to help you manifest your dreams, including my secret list of fortunate days – special days in 2020 that are positively synchronized in both the stars and numbers. Having this list will help you plan your year with confidence. Check out the new Fast Action BONUS just added to the 2020 Ultimate Yearly Forecast: My Secret List of all fortunate Prosperity Portal Days in 2020. Fortunate Days based on BOTH Astrology and Numerology – you'll not see this fortunate star code list anywhere else! It's your secret guide to help you plan successful outcomes in ADVANCE! So make sure you register for the 2020 Ultimate Yearly Forecast now. Especially since we're still offering the early-bird subscriber's discount (expires shortly)! Get all the details, bonuses and your Subscriber's Discount HERE! Love and Blessings, Tania Gabrielle P.S. During the 2020 Ultimate Yearly Forecast livestream you'll also receive 2020 Forecasts for your Personal Year, Sun sign, Moon sign and Rising sign, get to ask me questions and receive instant access to a Replay (for a year) and so much more. Take advantage of the special Subscriber's Discount before it expires! P.P.S. We'll be recording the whole presentation, so no worries if you can’t make it “live”, you’ll have access to the replay. |